Friday, 29 May 2015

Radiotherapy Remains Valuable Prostate Cancer Treatment

While the use of post-surgical radiation in prostate cancer treatment is on the decline evidence suggests this important procedure delivers benefits that should not be overlooked. A new study published in the journal European Urology indicates that less than 10 percent of American patients at risk for recurrence are receiving postoperative radiotherapy within six months of surgery. This is despite the fact that about 30 percent of radical prostatectomy patients develop biochemical recurrence after surgery. For those who are diagnosed with more aggressive cancers, the rate of recurrence can climb to 60 to 70 percent.

Use of immediate, or near immediate, radiotherapy has long been the focus of debate among urologists and oncologists. Two schools of thought exist in relation to the use of this therapy immediately post-surgery and the likelihood of the development of side effects such as incontinence and erectile dysfunction. Urologists have long held that holding off and taking a wait-and-see approach is the way to go, but oncologists have counseled for more swift application of radiation to ensure cancer’s eradication while lowering recurrence risks.

While these two schools of thought have existed little evidence was available to support arguments on either side of the debate. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, however, have stepped forward with more quantitative proof that supports immediate care. Through two separate studies, researchers found that there is no significant reduction of side effect incidence when the wait-and-see approach is taken.

Radiotherapy following radical prostatectomy might seem like an unnecessary precaution to some, but the reality is this treatment can be vital for those at greater risk for recurrence. Men who undergo radical prostatectomy should be mindful of the benefits of this potential secondary treatment and should carefully consult with their doctors for the best treatment options in their particular case. While radiotherapy can present risks, recurrences may as well, and waiting may deliver no real benefit in avoidance of potential side effects.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Is Radiation Therapy Safe?

When a doctor recommends radiation therapy to help treat cancer, there is something inherently scary about this prospect. After all, radiation therapy involves targeting doses of cell-killing radiation right at the body. The procedure is recommended since it kills cancer cells so effectively, but the reality is cells around the cancer may also be damaged in the process.

When radiation is recommended, many patients are likely to find themselves wondering if the rewards are truly worth the risks. Chances are they’re also going to wonder if radiation is truly a safe route to take.

While the prospect of radiation does sound scary, advances in treatments are enabling clinicians to more effectively kill cancer cells while avoiding as much damage to other parts of the body as possible. Radiation therapy works by damaging the DNA of cancer cells so severely that they die. The desired end result is an eradication of the cancer or a shrinking of a tumor so surgery can be performed more effectively.

Radiation isn’t without its potential side effect risks, but the reality is a number of treatment breakthroughs have made this potentially life-saving therapy safer and more effective than ever before. Here are just a few of the advancements that are making a difference:

• Better positioning for breast cancer patients – Researchers have found that having patients lie face down during treatments can dramatically reduce collateral tissue irradiated during this therapy.

 • Use of spacing material for prostate cancer – A new spacer gel injection can effectively push the rectum out of the way of radiation beams during prostate treatments. This, in turn, can lower the amounts of radiation delivered to the rectum and reduce the likelihood of side effects.

 • Better precision – New imaging techniques, including Image-Guided Radiation Therapy, are helping clinician’s better target radiation to reduce auxiliary damage.

The bottom line is radiation isn’t without its risks, but it has become safer and more effective than ever before. Anyone facing a cancer diagnosis should carefully discuss their case and recommended treatments with their doctors to devise a strategy that’s meant to kill the cancer while minimizing side effect risks inasmuch as possible. Thus radiation therapy has emerged out as one of the most reliable cancer treatment options today.