Thursday, 9 October 2014

Tackling Hair Loss with Chemo Cold Caps

There are a lot of side effects that come with cancer and its treatment, and hair loss is certainly among the most profound. At a time in your life when you are already struggling emotionally, you are now left to contend with the fear and diminished self-esteem that often comes with losing your hair. Unfortunately, however, hair loss is often par for the course with treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation. Luckily, there are some ways to meet the challenge of hair loss head on and take control of the situation. Chemo Cold Caps are among the newest, most effective means to retaining your hair during cancer treatment and, luckily, they are now widely available online and through a variety of cancer care facilities.

How Do Chemo Cold Caps Work?

Chemo Cold Caps use an extremely low temperature to constrict the blood vessels that lead to the scalp. The cap itself is cooled to negative 30 degrees C and the patient undergoing treatment wears the cap on their head during chemotherapy as well as at least three hours following treatment. The temperature of the Cold Cap constricts the blood vessels to the scalp reducing the amount of chemotherapy drug that reaches this area where damage to the hair follicles typically occurs as a result.

While some patients find the Cold Caps to be mildly uncomfortable during the initial part of treatment, wearing it is an overall painless process and can be very effective in stopping the loss of hair as a result of cancer treatment.

How Do You Get Chemo Cold Caps?

Chemo Cold Caps can be ordered online and delivered right to your door. They can also be ordered through a variety of cancer care facilities where a medical team is committed to patient care.

If you are looking for more information on Chemo Cold Caps click here.